diagonal sudoku today 18/11/2014 - more solutions

۱ پاسخ [آخرین پست]
عضو شده: 10/04/2014

I found a solution that was given "the wrong answer".

Here it is:
"Deleted by Admin"

تصویر Admin
عضو شده: 10/12/2008
Diagonal - more solutions

wdp wrote:
I found a solution that was given "the wrong answer".

Here it is:
"Deleted by Admin"


I'd like to ask you not to put the solution string into the forum even if you think that it has more solutions.
You can put there your suggestion that it is wrong and send me the solution but not to publish the "result".

In your case there are more 7's in column 5 and more 4's in column 6.

The Diagonal Sudoku has only one solution and it's correct.

Kodyn (Admin)