Variants document open password

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عضو شده: 02/17/2011

I am a regular member of Sudokucup. However I am not able to open the Variants using my sudokupassword. Please tell me the procedure involved or if I am making any mistake.

تصویر Admin
عضو شده: 10/12/2008
Variants - password

anilpophali wrote:
I am a regular member of Sudokucup. However I am not able to open the Variants using my sudokupassword. Please tell me the procedure involved or if I am making any mistake.

I'm not completely sure which Variants do you mean Smile

There are Variants which is necessary to print on your printer - And there is only 11 variants.

And there is daily league - and there you don't need any password.

So I think you're talking about the first one. And by Variants (on the paper) you'll need to check I agree with the sudokucup Rules and to pick up the password.
For examle here:

Everywhere is necessary to be logged in!
