
تصویر Admin

Dear players,

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience during playing the sudoku puzzles which can negatively affect you - window size, variants are not loaded correctly etc.
Currently I'm investigating where are the problems, what is after the hackers attack available and I don't have accesses to FTP and DB so it will take some time.

In case you already know about any issues please put there a comment to this newsletter.
Thank you for your help and patience.

Kodyn (Admin)


تصویر HolyFracker

Issue on replay

Admin wrote:
HolyFracker wrote:
Dear Admin,

Firstly, I had played on today's Classic and Variant - no problems arise. However, when I looked at the replay of my Variant's solve the puzzle does not show up properly. This prompted me to check archives of previous solves. Same thing - puzzle does not also show up as intended.

I hope this issue will be resolved in the future. Thank you and have a good day!

Please try to test it now. I hope that I was able to find the issue and to fix it.

Kodyn (Admin)

I test it and apparently, it has been fixed. Much thanks, Admin!

تصویر Admin


HolyFracker wrote:
Dear Admin,

Firstly, I had played on today's Classic and Variant - no problems arise. However, when I looked at the replay of my Variant's solve the puzzle does not show up properly. This prompted me to check archives of previous solves. Same thing - puzzle does not also show up as intended.

I hope this issue will be resolved in the future. Thank you and have a good day!

Please try to test it now. I hope that I was able to find the issue and to fix it.

Kodyn (Admin)

تصویر HolyFracker

Issue on replay

Dear Admin,

Firstly, I had played on today's Classic and Variant - no problems arise. However, when I looked at the replay of my Variant's solve the puzzle does not show up properly. This prompted me to check archives of previous solves. Same thing - puzzle does not also show up as intended.

I hope this issue will be resolved in the future. Thank you and have a good day!