kindly look into have i=option of playing online option,instead of taking printout and doing the sudoku test.

۱ پاسخ [آخرین پست]
تصویر r.sitaramaiah
عضو شده: 12/30/2008

Dear organisers

kindly look into have i=option of playing online option,instead of taking printout and doing the sudoku test.Unfortunately i could not take the printouts today so i tranfered manually sudoku's and attended the test.


تصویر Admin
عضو شده: 10/12/2008
On-line playing

r.sitaramaiah napsal/a:
Dear organisers

kindly look into have i=option of playing online option,instead of taking printout and doing the sudoku test.Unfortunately i could not take the printouts today so i tranfered manually sudoku's and attended the test.


This tournament is designed as paper tournament. It's basicaly prepared to train our representants for WSC, NSC and other paper tournaments.
But right now I'm preparing the Flash window frontend, so there will be a on-line sudoku league at our sites.

May be, in the future, there will be some possibility to play tournaments like SC on-line.
But as I said, the point is to prepare people for playing on the paper Smile

I hope you've liked our competition even it wasn't on-line (in Flash window etc.)
